Category Archives: Society And Education

Information Society And Education

The relationship between education and society leads to a reciprocal influence that continually redefines the characteristics of both. If we refer to the school as a tool of social transformation, we should also take into account institutional changes derived from social transformations.

The education sector shares with many others the changes that have come to be known as the Information Society. The significant development of the NTMs in recent decades, as we have said, has given rise to new forms of processing, storing, distributing, programming, perceiving and understanding information, as well as modes and the communication media, have also changed substantially.

It would be logical to think that the development of ICTs has also modified both planning and educational practice. It could be supposed that from this mutual influence between education and new multimedia technologies, new models of knowledge derived from new models of communication emerge. Nevertheless, the only thing that is guaranteed, with the omnipresence of new media and new multimedia products, is the gradual incorporation (and slower in education than in other sectors) of these media and products into theaters of class, an incorporation which, without proper numerical literacy, will not mean innovation or change in traditional teaching.

It is not too risky to say that the presence of new media in the classroom is more business-oriented than educational. If the primary function of education is to reproduce the social system, it is agreed, therefore, that students learn in the teaching centers mastery of new devices. But for this it is Without proper digital literacy, the incorporation of media does not mean innovation or change essentially that these means are introduced in the centers … In the discourse and in the strategy of widespread implementation of new technologies in the teaching (enforcement needed, this is stated).