All posts by Flenn Edwards

Tips For Hiring An SEO Consultant

If you would find yourself to be the owner of a small business, you might be thinking of different ways of growing your business online. With so much competition existing out there, things could become slightly tricky for you. However, that does not in any way imply that you should give up hope.

One solution that you could think about employing is hiring a Miami SEO consultant. Even though you might be under the misguided belief that this is a marketing technique which would only benefit the large businesses, that is not true. This is because if you looked at it carefully, you would find that SEO is something which would apply to companies of all sizes.

Therefore, if you would like to get down right to it, you might be thinking of an easy way around it. In that case, you have absolutely nothing to worry about because we have got you covered. All you would have to do is proceed reading below, and you would be good to go.

  • Do your homework

Since this is something entirely new that you would be venturing in to, you might be feeling slightly lost and confused. Nevertheless, that does not in any way entail that you should choose the first option that would come your way.

First things first, you would have to do your research. This would be regarding search engine marketing and everything that it entails.

Also, you should also take a look at some of the benefits that you and your firm would be able to enjoy from hiring an SEO consultant. After all, if it would not be worth it, there would be no point in going for it. Other than that, you would also have to understand that all the leading search engines seem to work at a higher level. It would be for this reason that it would take some time for the efforts to bear fruit, typically four months to even a year. Hence, you should stay away from potential candidates that would promise you fantastic results overnight.

  • Have a conversation over the phone

Before you would make a formal appointment, it would be recommended that you talk to them over the phone. In this way, you would be able to gather some necessary information about them and understand if they would indeed be suitable for you or not. Regarding a phone conversation, you would have to see how long you had to wait before your turn came and how the customer representative spoke to you in Miami After all, you would want someone to answer your most basic queries before you would get down to the gritty details. If this is the point where you would not find yourself to be satisfied, then there would be no point in moving forward.

  • Do not forget about references

Lastly, references are something which you would have to keep in mind. Since they would tend to be very basic, you would not have to go through a lot of hassle to get what you want.


Education And New Multimedia Technologies In The Information Society

Even though much has been written about the importance of information and communication technologies in recent decades, their essential presence in our lives makes them an obligatory reference when talking about education in today’s society. A society in constant evolution which, in the second half of the 20th century, was characterized by continuous advances in the development of multimedia devices and programs. The new millennium, opened in the midst of the information era, seems to confirm that per-per-change has become the only constant in the world of modern multimedia technologies.

By new multimedia technologies (NTM), we mean the result of the convergence in the digital world of traditional mass media (press, radio and, especially, television), information technology and telematics.

This technological convergence has meant a revolution in the world of information technologies that finds its broth of culture in the interconnection of communication networks: the Internet or the network of systems.

This omnipresence and importance of new multimedia technologies in our daily lives are reinforced by the role that these technologies play themselves as means of diffusion and communication. Press, radio, television, Internet, etc., echo the importance of new technologies. They offer us their representations of the technological reality that surrounds us; they always announce the arrival of new devices to communicate and process information; in short, they offer us a definite vision of new multimedia technologies and the information society. Our expectations, opinions, and attitudes towards new media, as individuals and as members of an educational community, will be influenced by the dominant technological discourse,

The technical discussion that accompanies the following implantation of the NT over-determined by the significant economic and commercial interests that characterize the information world and multimedia companies, so that technological developments often come with a sensationalist and confusing discourse that addresses its potential users. A speech that presents the NTM as embodying “progress,” the panacea against all the evils and failures, including, of course, those related to education. New technologies present themselves as inevitable, all-powerful and out of questioning. As Walton says, “For fifteen years, new technologies have enjoyed enormous publicity, more than any other social, political, sporting or cultural activity.

Information Society And Education

The relationship between education and society leads to a reciprocal influence that continually redefines the characteristics of both. If we refer to the school as a tool of social transformation, we should also take into account institutional changes derived from social transformations.

The education sector shares with many others the changes that have come to be known as the Information Society. The significant development of the NTMs in recent decades, as we have said, has given rise to new forms of processing, storing, distributing, programming, perceiving and understanding information, as well as modes and the communication media, have also changed substantially.

It would be logical to think that the development of ICTs has also modified both planning and educational practice. It could be supposed that from this mutual influence between education and new multimedia technologies, new models of knowledge derived from new models of communication emerge. Nevertheless, the only thing that is guaranteed, with the omnipresence of new media and new multimedia products, is the gradual incorporation (and slower in education than in other sectors) of these media and products into theaters of class, an incorporation which, without proper numerical literacy, will not mean innovation or change in traditional teaching.

It is not too risky to say that the presence of new media in the classroom is more business-oriented than educational. If the primary function of education is to reproduce the social system, it is agreed, therefore, that students learn in the teaching centers mastery of new devices. But for this it is Without proper digital literacy, the incorporation of media does not mean innovation or change essentially that these means are introduced in the centers … In the discourse and in the strategy of widespread implementation of new technologies in the teaching (enforcement needed, this is stated).